
Dear Reader #3

Dear Reader,* Initially I was going to write that something has slowly dawned on me, that a realisation has come over a longer period of time and that now, in my old age and wisdom, I have come to see the light and discovered it to be true. This, however, wouldn’t be right, and I…

Dear Reader #2

Dear Reader,* Someone asked me recently what it is that I miss most about England, about London specifically, since leaving to travel and then live overseas. For a while I was completely floored, not a single idea what on earth they could mean: I’ve been living elsewhere – to put it euphemistically – since the…

Dear Reader #1

Dear Reader*, What is it about letter writing which makes it so special, which binds people to a desk, pan and paper during the finest weather, which causes them to put their often intimate thoughts down on paper for family, friends and acquaintances, and trust them to the vagaries of the postal system? How has…

A Small Flock Of Ducks

Your letter made me think about the relative distance I live away from my so-called home country, and the ease with which I could physically return. One of the wonderful aspects of living in the middle of Europe – even if it is not the geographical middle – is the ease with which a person…

A Five Hour Delay

Technology is not the be-all and end-all of life, and this is something many people still have to learn, especially those who have been brought up believing that all new advances are a must-have for them, and that to fall back with an older smart phone model, or not have the latest application for communication…

Achieving Our Greatest Expectations

The wonderful thing about letter writing, when it is on a personal level and not business or merely a ‘thank-you’ for something, is that it can follow absolutely any path you would wish. It can meander like a country lane, dive into valleys, climb hills, ford streams, surmount stiles, negotiate obstacles to your heart’s content…

Nothing More Disheartening

I’m pleased to hear that you are gaining replies: there is nothing more disheartening than to sit and wait in the hope something is going to happen, something which so many people enjoy, and then receive nothing whatsoever. Of course, the level of competition is extremely high, which would make us all hope that what…

Seven League Boots

Every time someone asks me how old I am,  I have to take a moment or two to consider and, truth be known, to work it out for myself. It’s not that the number of birthdays I have lived through is so massive that calculation takes time, but the fact that it has become so…

An Essay In Pencil

The second thing that your letter awoke in me was a memory of when I was much younger, still going to school, and had just been pulled up by the school principal for something he considered to be wrong, but most other people would simply have shrugged off. I think it had something to do…

How To Repair After An Attack

I can understand how you feel about needing to wait longer than usual before writing a reply to one of my letters, or taking a break before doing other things which might normally take some form of priority, I do it myself now and then and always have a strange feeling in my stomach about…

error: Write Your Own Letters.