Author: Adam

All The Ingredients Are There

We all make mistakes, and I suspect one of the biggest we make is to believe that the internet will relieve all of our worries, cleanse our souls, and provide the answer to the meaning of life through a dating service or, better yet, the promise of ten million dollars and a new BMW SUV…

A Poor Man’s Meal

My first thought, before I even turn to the task – and pleasure – of writing my letter – is the hope that this missive safely arrives at its destination. I have been through all the hoops recommended by the official sources, predominantly the government web site, to try and find the information needed just…

Challenge Accepted?

This is probably not the letter you were expecting, but life is filled with strange turns and hidden pathways on our journey to wherever this existence might lead, if it leads anywhere at all. Sometimes, as I have learned over many years of travelling, we find what we have been looking for without knowing we’ve…

Everyone Has Their Own Style

Before I begin with introductions and explanations, a word on what I have read and understood from the Michigan Department of Corrections Policy Directive: Prisoner Mail, Directive 05.03.118 from 6 November 2023. Prisoners may receive mail from private individuals, not exceeding twelve single sided pages, which is then photocopied and forwarded to the recipient, with…

A Very First World Problem

I’m not exactly sure what happened here, certainly not a glitch in the matrix or anything similar, but I’ve had the feeling something is not working quite as it should for a few months. Now and then my letters will appear on top of the communal letterbox unit, rather than in my little slot, even…

Given The Presidential Pardon

Something of a hectic time here at the moment, with plenty to do, plenty to organise, and hardly any free time to get out and do the things I’d like to do most. Not that this is holding me back, which makes the things I have to do a little more stressful for others as…

Dear Mary Elizabeth Truss

House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA Sunday, 5 February 2023 Dear Mary Elizabeth Truss, I recently had the privilege of being invited to attend a philosophical event where members of the panel were challenged to describe their inner selves and explain what they saw in the mirror of their minds. It was quite fascinating to…

Dear Nadhim Zahawi

House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA Tuesday, 17 January 2023 Dear Nadhim Zahawi, it should come as no surprise to you, in your political position and with the implied power your name and wealth brings, that there is no mention of any form of wrongdoing by yourself on the main BBC web site. The first…

Dear George A. D. Santos

1117 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515 Monday, 16 January 2023 Dear George A. D. Santos, it must have come as something of a surprise that your campaign, which clearly took a lot of time and energy to create and market, was so successful. Those of your staff who stuck with the task, who…

Dear Sue-Ellen C. Braverman

House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA, Saturday, 14 January 2023 Dear Sue-Ellen C. Braverman, it was fascinating to watch you speaking to a group of people recently, covering your beliefs and the future for refugees and those torn out of their homes and lives by war and suffering. Your firm and concise answers to the…

error: Write Your Own Letters.