Category: Personal Letters

The Truth Cannot Be Debated, Because It Is The Truth

There are times, to take the idea of differences between the manner in which we live and our present surroundings or environment, when I feel as if there are no advantages to living in the Free World, as so many people care to describe it. We have, as I am sure you appreciate, many other…

When Their World Is Being Changed, Destroyed Around Them

One of the greatest shocks I had in my life, following my vehicle accident, was to discover that things would not continue in such a smooth and happy manner in which they had previously adorned life and brought pleasure. What seems to be a very slight event – a simple fall, for some, is hardly…

Cast Out Because Of The Colour Of Their Skin

History, as we all know, is written by the victors. Every single thing that we read has been put together by someone who has, perhaps, their own agenda, or a slant on history – or any other subject – that they wish to promote. Sometimes it is to balance matters out, sometimes to settle a…

Gasping For Their Last Breath Of Air As Their Arguments Are Shot Down

You have to bear in mind that some people have two characters: the open character that everyone sees and accepts, and the hidden character which is their real self. Actors, through their chosen trade, create public characters which all of their viewers get to see, get to sympathise with, get to accept as being the…

Can The World Be Saved?

I’m surprised that you replied to that religious fanatic, and can say that I most certainly would not have done so. There are some people who are so set in their ways, so sure of themselves, that they do not see anything to the left or right of where they are going, are blinded to…

The Distraction Of A Peeping Or Whistling Contraption In My Pocket

Sometimes even the best laid plans, ones which you have set in concrete and definitely wish to stick to, have to be changed according to sudden or unexpected need. And so it is, rarely admittedly, with my time: I make plans and set myself a routine, a series of deeds I wish to perform, a…

Discouraged From Learning By Being Labelled As A Waste Of Resources

There is a phenomenal advantage which I have, and which I sometimes forget when writing to people around the world: access. You mention in your letter that I am well-read which, to all intents and purposes, is true, but only because I have access to any number of books at very short notice and, of…

There Are Too Many Others Who Escape Justice

To say that I was pleased to hear about the court decision in the Cosby case is something of an understatement: it has been too long in coming and there are too many others who escape justice, either because of their perceived position in society, or because those they have attacked are too scared to…

The Earth Is A Sphere Or Balanced On The Back Of A Tortoise

Understanding why a person, or a group of people, undertake any action against another, when they know very well that it will cause harm and suffering, is something that I have also never managed to get to grips with. The very idea is something which evades all my senses, all commonsense, everything that I have…

I Had Connected A Couple Of Ideas I Had Been Struggling With For Days

It is a pleasure to see that my letters appear to be an exception, in your case at least, but that is not so everywhere. Sadly I received another returned letter from the United States just the day before yesterday, marked as being undeliverable despite everything being correct. The return from the United States took…

error: Write Your Own Letters.