Category: Personal Letters

My Own Thoughts On What Comes After Death Are Fairly Simple

For many, when they believe themselves to be a death’s door, a consideration of what comes, and what has been, is their priority no matter how they have lived their lives, no matter what they might believe in. I’m not sure whether this is the normal state of affairs, whether it effects everyone across the…

In This Spirit Of Claimed Free-Thinking Gender Harmony

Things are rarely what they seem to be on the surface: we project our own thoughts and desires onto what we see, what we hear, and try to fit the few facts or pieces of information we’ve received into our own scheme of things, rather than looking further, rather than trying to see things from…

Thumbing A Lift In Their Old-Fashioned Clothing

There are times when we simply have to accept what has happened, shrug off the good or the bad feelings, and move on with our lives. Other times when we should simply take a step back, collect our thoughts and emotions, and consider what is happening: whether it is too fast; whether it is meaningful;…

Not Anything More Than A Moment Shared, And Left Behind Within Our Memories

There is a certain level of intimacy in everything we do, everything that we share with other people, every time we turn our thoughts or our gaze to another person. This intimacy has nothing to do with sexual attraction, with romantic, with a move in one or another direction, but all to do with a…

The Arrangements Of Matter Found On Earth Are Of No Worldly Use

If I were to write about everything that has happened in my small corner of the world since we last exchanged letters, I would probably need a few more sheets of paper than are likely to fit inside a normal envelope. It’s not that I have been exceptionally busy, although I have been out and…

Fearing The So-Called Beast From The East

The Europeans, and especially the British, have been waiting upon and fearing the so-called Beast From The East, which was due to hit the islands and then the mainland a while ago and, due to form did, with all the feared bad weather such a Beast brings. This is the first time I have heard…

Condemned As A Person And On Through To The Tenth Generation

There are strange connections throughout life which bring various and varied people together in ways beyond our understanding. Where one is giving thought to a specific action, another could be reading a work which covers this action, or something akin to it, and pondering much the same thing, but from a different viewpoint, from a…

Forced To Express Themselves With Squiggles, Signs And Symbols

I recently read an article, from the United States, that lamented the changes in our system of education, whereby a child is no longer taught how to hold and use a pen, and hand writing is gradually becoming a thing of the past. As more and more technology infiltrates our lives and exerts its ease…

Not All Scots Drink Whisky Or Wear A Kilt

Hard as I try, I haven’t managed yet to visualise, let alone put into words, what could possibly constitute a typical American. I am sure that there are one or two things which everyone from the United States shares, aside from the fact that most were born there and will live their lives and eventually…

Nationalism, Patriotism, Feelings Of Home And A Piece Of Paper Certifying Citizenship

Today is almost something of an anniversary in that my very first letter to you was written and sent on 20 February 2017, and also a day of celebration, if you like, as I see that only one other person of the many I wrote to, when I first got back to letter writing, is…

error: Write Your Own Letters.