
Disputing A Closed Mind

Like you, I have come across, and lived, with many people of different Couleur in my life, both in Europe and elsewhere around the world. I cannot claim that they included murderers, torturers or kidnappers amongst their number, but there was certainly a very mixed collection of people from a wide variety of nations. My…

Hole In The Wall Burgers

The internet is, indeed, a wonderful invention and I am sure I agree with you: you can find anything. Well, almost anything, there are still a few world secrets left out there which haven’t made it as far as our virtual world, nor as far as those who sell the internet as a product would…

Compare Portland Or Salem To John Day

It is difficult to say exactly what changes modern technology has wrought with society, although we can all see that there are many, since these changes have been in the making for many decades. The advance of communications technology, with the smart phone and internet, is merely an end-effect from things which have been looming,…

A Postcard Is Too Small

Initially I thought a postcard would be more appropriate, and I spent several hours going through boxes of photographic, lithographic, artistic and funny cards, old and new, to see if there was anything which really spoke to me, and which I would want to share or, better still, which would refer to something very important…

Uncertain Ills Torment Us Most

There is a strange, and not inappropriate, saying that you don’t know what you’ve got until it is gone. In this case, the removal of your access to communication with the outside world, I think it fair to say that you did know what you had and respected it greatly; but other people knew too…

Strange Writing Such A Short Letter

To say that letters are important for those who have no other real connection to the outside world is something of an understatement: for me, letter writing is one of the most important means to keep people in touch with the rest of the world, with their lives outside of the prison system, and with…

Kind Enough To Reply

There is nothing wrong with honesty whatsoever, to continue from my last and after your interesting comments: I would much rather know that a person is going to be honest with me, to whatever extent is possible, than always have the fear that I will find out some dark truth by other means, having trusted…

Fragments Of A Long Life

It is early on a Tuesday morning, the rain of our weekend is behind me, and the hope of sun for the rest of the week, especially that time when I am able to go outside and enjoy it, lies as a pleasantly beckoning future. But first I must deal with other pleasures, and today…

As Old As Your Grandparents

I am fairly sure, although I could be wrong and hope that you will correct me, that receiving such a strange envelope through the post came as something of a surprise to both you and your family. It is by a Japanese artist called Miyuli and he calls it Red and the Wolf which, as…

It Is A Way Of Life

One of several interesting ideas I gained from reading your letter was that of letter writing being a project; something which I would welcome in the right place and certainly support, hut which is not what I tend to do. If it were possible to convince more younger people of the benefits of letter writing,…

error: Write Your Own Letters.