Month: October 2018

My Life Had Been Filled With People Who Are Like Poison To Me

It doesn’t take the mind of a rocket scientist to discover one of the saddest facts of life: some of those people around us, those we trust and rely upon, do not necessarily have more than their own interests at heart, and most certainly not ours. We get to see such people every single day,…

Baruch Speaks A Final Word Of Exhortation To The Eagle

It is rare to find someone with an interest in history and quotations, unless you restrict your search to the colleges and universities which litter our various lands, and the hidden recesses of libraries and archives within their deepest shadows. We tend to think of a historian – and often librarians too – as old…

The Best Have To Turn Against Society And Have To Become Its Deadliest Enemies

There is a strange thing about being creative, as your profile says that you are, which many people seem to misunderstand. There is a belief that being creative means a person goes into art, paints or draws, writes books, short stories or even whimsical poems and, perhaps, even leads a Bohemian lifestyle. Naturally, that last…

How Would We Ever Pass The Time When There Is Nothing Else To Do?

I was one of those strange children, many years ago, who did not want to grow up, who did not rue the slowness of time and certainly wasn’t looking forward to being a teenager enjoying all the supposed freedoms of age and life. Rather, I took a very critical view of the passage of time…

Are My Tears To You, Wept In Longing Memory

I am caught, as the saying goes, between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand there is the clear incentive, from your profile, to write on so many different things where we, worlds and continents apart, have similar interests and, perhaps, desires. On the other there is the thought, coupled sadly with…

error: Write Your Own Letters.