Month: February 2018

But You’ve Now Discovered What It Is To Be Bored

It’s one of those strange things in life which comes up now and then: someone writes to me, tells me a little story about how things are going for them and what has been happening recently, and it mixes in perfectly with what has been happening to me. Or someone makes a comment about a…

Can I Say That Prison And Being Incarcerated Is A Good Thing?

I’m going to put myself out on a limb here and make a guess which could be seen as a generalisation, which could be both disapproved and disproved by some people, and which might almost seem to be commonsense but, in reality, it is something which needs to be said and thought about to be…

The Saddest People Imaginable, With No Life Or Personality Of Their Own

If there is one thing which scares a letter writer more than that blank page, it is the thought that they have worked hard, sometimes for hours, and produced a piece of prose worthy of the highest accolades, only to have it lost in the postal system somewhere. We all hear of the stories where…

error: Write Your Own Letters.