
People Who Lament

I’m trying, as I set out the first words here, to think back to a time when I have not needed to convince people of the merits of letter writing; that old-fashioned means of communication which has held strong for centuries and which, despite modern technological advances, is still fighting fit and useful today. I…

To Pay His Court Privately

A short while ago, someone asked me whether I get lonely, sitting on my own in a street café. Reading my book while everyone else around me is chatting on their cell phones and doing all those electronic social things people do these days. Although I already knew the answer – no, I don’t get…

A Dangerous And Fateful Presumption

It’s strange how a single sentence, a word, even a smell, can bring back long forgotten memories completely unexpectedly and just when we least expect them, transporting us off into a different time and place, almost against our will, and bringing images before our mind’s eye as if we were right there at that moment….

Filled With Dangers And Traps

I’m not sure what I would do without my sight, without one of the – for me – most important senses we possess. The world would be a completely different place, for one thing, possibly filled with dangers and traps which, once, were just everyday and harmless. Worse still, of course, is when your sight…

Filled With Words

Looking back over the last few months, I could almost gain the impression I have done nothing else than write letters to people, naturally hoping that one or two would write back to me. My time has been filled with words, with ideas, with seeking out suitable themes to discuss which could, hopefully, be of…

When I Observe You

Although we probably all say it at one time or another, one of the hardest things to do, when it comes right down to it and you’re sitting across from another person, is to tell them the truth; especially when that truth, as you see it or as the facts lay it out, is not…

Coloured And Beautiful Beaded Bracelets

I will freely admit, I have a long way to go until I understand the many problems and restrictions involved in the lives of other people: not having to experience them myself is the greatest hurdle to be overcome but, with the right explanations and descriptions, it is possible to set myself, to a certain…

Plain, Cheap Photocopy

I was wondering, now that the first days are over and you’ve managed to work your way through the sack loads of mail replying to your profile, whether you are still as excited and nervous about letter writing as you were when you first considered the idea. You write that you had tried to find…

Throw The Macho Expectations Out

Your latest letter arrived safe and well here in Germany, so clearly the third-party system works. If you are happy with it, then I am more than happy, so long as communication can continue and we can write to one another freely –as freely as is possible, that is – then I see no problems…

Rage, Rage Against

I am amused by a coincidence which has, with the receipt of your last letter, come about. As you have probably guessed, if I didn’t mention it before, letter writing is one of my main creative interests at the moment, and I can guarantee to spend at least two hours every day following this hobby;…

error: Write Your Own Letters.