Author: Adam

They Are An Image Within Our Minds

One of the fascinating aspects of a written friendship is that we often have no idea of the person we are talking with. They are an image within our minds, and we slowly build up an impression of what they might look like based upon our own ideas, the words and expressions they use, the…

It Seems Almost As If It Were Yesterday

I’m not sure that I fully understand, or appreciate, the passage of time and the effect it has on our lives, on our emotions and on our perception of what is happening around us. It seems almost as if it were yesterday that I last sat down and wrote a letter, that I last concentrated…

A Single Word Said At The Wrong Moment Can Be Devastating, But With Forethought Avoided

I think one of the main reasons I got so involved with letter writing, aside from the pleasure of receiving post from all around the world, is that it gives the writer a chance to express themselves in a calm and considered manner. A letter to a friend is often planned over a short period…

Why Do Something Simple When We Can Have Complications?

It is sometimes difficult to get your mind around what is acceptable, and what is not in some people’s minds. Or, perhaps better, in their interpretation of the rules and regulations. I accept, as one must, that there needs to be rules, that a certain legislative order has to be brought in to prevent chaos,…

Our Barriers Are Further Apart, And Our Restrictions Not So Obvious

The sad thing about the Cosby case is that it took so long, and there was such a level of viciousness involved against those who were finally able to bring their case. Added to which, of course, the fact that it took so many women before the matter was even taken seriously, and then not…

People Will Complain And Feel Hardship If Peanut Butter Has Sold Out

Most people, certainly in the various societies where I have lived over the last decades, base their lives and their feelings on what they see directly around them and, more especially, on what directly effects them and their way of life, their lifestyle, their leisure hours, and what they perceive as being the Rights to…

Sometimes You Simply Need To Know When To Stop And Move On

Sometimes you simply need to know when to stop and move on. This is not the same as giving up on a project by a long way, but something we learn when a particular thing we have concentrated a good deal of time on becomes a wearying prospect, when we feel depressed to see those…

In Order To Rescue From Between The Lines The Presence Of Their Fellow Outcasts

One of the saddest things I have seen over many years is a person struggling to fit into an ideal he or she has been told is right for them, and not realising that their destiny is their own and not that foretold by someone else. They fight to get the right clothing, to speak…

You Don’t Have To See The Whole Staircase. Just Take The First Step

I am reliably informed, as strange as I find it, that there are some people out there who fall down and give up at the first obstacle, who do not know how to find a way around it, over it, through it because they have never been told that someone can do something for themselves….

He Who Has Access To The Fountain Does Not Go To The Water-Pot

All good things come to an end, they say and, fortunately, all bad things tend to come to an end too, even if this small piece of wisdom is not put across in the same way. For some reason we, as a society, tend to dwell more on the downside of life, and not rejoice…

error: Write Your Own Letters.