Author: Adam

Letter Writer’s Alliance

Letter Writer’s Alliance Chicago. Dear Kathy and Donovan, I couldn’t bring myself, as an ardent and convinced writer of pen and paper letters, to use the online membership system for my application. Wherever possible I avoid such things and so, following an ancient tradition, I enclose my membership fees for due processing. I have been…

How Many Little Rituals

I wonder how many little rituals we have in our lives; not just the receiving, opening and reading of letters, but all of those almost automatic functions which make our lives seem to run smoothly. I gave a lecture, quite a while ago now, about the use of ritual and how we all fall into…

A First Letter

One of the great pleasures in life is being able to take a real ink pen and write to someone in a more personal style. It is so much better than sitting in front of a computer screen and typing out strings of electronic words which can be corrected and formatted until a certain level…

error: Write Your Own Letters.