Author: Adam

Intellectual And Intelligent

One of the things many people find difficult to understand is the difference between intellectual and intelligent people: many, it seems to me, wrap both together as one thing, as one form of person, and assume that an intellectual conversation, for example, is carried out by intelligent people in an appropriate atmosphere. But an intelligent…

Secret Backroom Art Collectors’ Club

One of the beautiful, and most frustrating, things about collecting anything, be it stamps, postcards, books or whatever, is that the possibilities seem to be endless. New works are published practically every single day, certainly when it comes to such valuable items as books, and the chances of ever having a complete collection are remote…

We Suffer Each A Self-made Fate.

Speaking as an old person who has, theoretically, all his best years behind him, no future ahead, and who has been effectively written off by society, I tend to agree that beauty is merely a surface facet of a person and what is inside is of considerably more worth. And also, as I am sure…

Devils Boiled In Pitch

It sounds silly, or might be called a terrible excuse, when you claim not to have had enough time to sit down and write a letter only to those who fail to appreciate how much another person has to do, regardless of their circumstances, and how much effort they normally put into their letter writing,…

Shape Their Own Stone Axe

I sometimes wish that a few of our high-and-mighty pseudo-intellectuals would take a calm look at history, at the origins of our species and come to accept that, while our society could well be the epitome of all values, it had a very late start and that thanks only to all the wild, uncultivated, heathen…

Often A Daunting Prospect

Imagination is a wonderful thing and I, too, often imagine myself sitting quietly somewhere, a cup of tea or a glass of wine, even a tumbler of good whisky, close at hand, and a book. Sometimes, late at night, I do manage to settle down and open one of the books patiently awaiting my attention…

Simply Pull Over

There are few things left in life today that people understand as an acceptable excuse for not doing something, especially when it comes to not doing something they have expected – or demanded – be done and which, given the opportunity, they wouldn’t do themselves. Quite recently I was asked by a bank teller to…

How To Be Independent

It rarely happens that what we have planned works exactly as it we would wish or hope, simply because there are too many other factors involved which we need to take into account, which we need to weigh up as best we can and which, often, we have no notion of whatsoever. When it comes…

Dear Reader #4

Dear Reader,* It seems like only yesterday we were caught up in the heated joys of summer: ice cream and beach parties; walks in the country, seeking out shade under the canopies of lofty trees; cool evenings with friends on the terrace or in the garden, the smoky evening meal on a barbecue and the…

Some Unspoken Rule

I think it fair to say that everyone, in one form or another, has a code that they live by. Some people are unable to explain what that code contains, or are even unsure of what it entails, but they live by it as by some unspoken rule everyone accepts. Whether that code would be…

error: Write Your Own Letters.